Principle of Dominance and Key Words as the Basis of the Mechanism of Text Formation: Psycholinguistic Aspect


  • Наталья Васильевна Матвеева Bashkirsky State University


Natalya V. Matveeva (Sterlitamak, Russian Federation)

The article presents a description of the experimental research, the aim of which is finding out a dominant common to a certain group of persons. The group of respondents was made up by the teenagers of 12-13 years. The hyposes of the research were that the teenagers are able to form an adequate text of a concised one. Such formation is possible if the teenager has already formed the ability to use the mechanisms of this formation. These mechanisms include not only knowledge of language facilities and their syntagmatic connections for formation of the coherent text, but also existence in the mental sphere of necessary knowledge of reality, experience, the created skills and abilities. The texts formed during the experiment should have a different degree of proximity, both with each other and with the original text. The main role should be played by the topic of the text presented by the subject and expressed through keywords. The more precisely the theme of the text is highlighted, the closer the secondary texts will be. The general dominant was represented by a set of key words selected from the source text and presented graphically. The teenagers were asked to form a text on the basis of the graph and a list of key words. During the experiment it was proved that the students were able to create coherent adequate texts, which indicates that the formed mechanism of generating a text already exists in the minds of teenagers. The basis of this mechanism is the formed system of subject relations.

Key words: psycholinguistic experiment, teenagers, denotative graph, dominant, sense, key words, secondary text

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2018-4-98-106

Author Biography

Наталья Васильевна Матвеева, Bashkirsky State University

Natalya V. Matveeva – candidate in Philology, associate professor. Bashkirsky State University.


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How to Cite

Матвеева, Н. В. (2018). Principle of Dominance and Key Words as the Basis of the Mechanism of Text Formation: Psycholinguistic Aspect. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 98–106. Retrieved from

