F.K. Trailin’s “Kazachy Vestnik” on the protection of old Cossacks living principles: to the typological features of the conservative Cossacks’ newspapers.


  • Татьяна Сергеевна Абрамович Southern Federal University


Abramovich T.S. (Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

At the end of the 19th century the issue of Cossacks’ self-identification divided into two camps already exfoliated class. Liberal-minded Cossacks fought for the destruction of the “great Chinese wall” between the Don and the rest of Russia, the Cossacks, the Conservatives tried to preserve their distinctive way of life. This opposition is directly reflected in the Don journalism.

On the example of F.K. Trailin’s “Kazachy Vestnik” the article describes typological features of Cossack-oriented newspapers of the period, and the relevant date for the publication of Cossack associations. It is justified the conclusion that the typological features of Cossack Conservatives newspaper were caused by combining some typological features borrowed from existing at the time of publications in the Don journalism. So, from a universal privately owned newspaper Cossack-oriented one adopted a broad program that determined the broad area of information attention, as well as many typological attributes: genre, format, frequency, design, volume. From specialized journals it was taken narrowly defined thematic focus, from national - the use of the national language - dialect, which are actively used in materials by authors Cossacks.

However, a leading typology characterizing factor for the newspaper of the Cossack conservatives - publisher-Cossack-specialist - was new for the system of Don periodicals, since the creation of its organ was guided only by the principles dictated by the class origin to the Cossack class.

Key words: Cossacks, system of the countryside journalism, typology, typology features, newspaper, publisher-editor.

DOI: 10.18522/1995-0640-2015-4-194-200

Author Biography

Татьяна Сергеевна Абрамович, Southern Federal University

Abramovich Tatyana Sergeevna - post-graduate student of journalism theory dpt., Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication, Southern Federal University. 


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How to Cite

Абрамович, Т. С. (2015). F.K. Trailin’s “Kazachy Vestnik” on the protection of old Cossacks living principles: to the typological features of the conservative Cossacks’ newspapers. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 194–200. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/10.18522%252F1995-0640-2015-4-194-200

