On the specific use of folklore motifs in the imaginative system of Kabardian prose


  • Лиана Славовна Хагожеева Kabardino-Balkarsky scientific center of Russian Academy of Science


Hagozheeva L.S. (Institute of researches in the Humanity field of Kabardino-Balkarsky scientific center of Russian Academy of Science)

This paper explores the linkages between literature and folklore, the role and place of folklore motives in the works of Kabardinian writers. The analysis is carried out on the material of H. Teunov (story “Aslan”), A. Shortanov (novel “The Highlanders”), A. Keshokov (novels “The tops do not sleep,” “Broken Horseshoe”, “Roots”) and others. The article considers the problem in its evolutionary development from the period of the 1940s to the present. The main attention is paid to the study of the specific use of folk motifs, symbols and images in the works of a single artist’s words. If in the early periods of the formation of the national literature it was often observed directly “inclusive” folk motifs in artistic fabric of the work, in the 1980 - 1990-ies it is marked by the introduction of the organic folk motifs, images and symbolism in thematic and plot-compositional fabric of prose works.

The constructive role of folklore consists not only in the private and purposeful use of legends, stories, parables, but in the plot-composite formation of works (A. Keshokov, T. Adygov etc.) The article concludes that in contemporary prose Kabardinian wisdom takes new moral and aesthetic value and meaning.

Key words: folklore motifs, symbolism, evolution, epic genres, tradition, theme, plot, character.

DOI: 10.18522/1995-0640-2015-4-36-44

Author Biography

Лиана Славовна Хагожеева, Kabardino-Balkarsky scientific center of Russian Academy of Science

Hagozheeva Liana Slavovna - post-graduate student, Institute of researches in the Humanity field of Kabardino-Balkarsky scientific center of Russian Academy of Science.


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How to Cite

Хагожеева, Л. С. (2015). On the specific use of folklore motifs in the imaginative system of Kabardian prose. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 36–44. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/10.18522%252F1995-0640-2015-4-36-44

