Detective text of post-modernism: precedential phenomena as linguacultural markers of intertexuality


  • Рузана Хамедовна Туова Adygea State University


Tuova R.H. (Adygea State University, Maykop, Russian Federation)

Detective postmodern text is characterized by active functioning of gaming modality, which is partly responsible for its inclusion in the semantic space of precedent phenomena. Precedential phenomena mark elements of linguaculture and intertextuality as one of the important features of the postmodern age. Dual transformation, which is subjected to precedent phenomena determines ultimately receptive-interpretive activity of the reader: producing text simulates certain perception through the signs of the text of the addresser and the recipient creates a new text according to their own ideas about the text-addresser and the author’s vision. Polyfunctionality of postmodern text is determined by the presence in it of precedent phenomena and polyvariety of interpretations of detective texts due to the interaction with the case genre that is reflected in the author’s game with meanings. Game modality focused on comic effect by binding the text and contrasting concepts, which helps the recipient to render artistic images, characters and plot situations, strengthening the vitality of precedent phenomena. In detective novels by Boris Akunin texts and precedent names are widely used, provoking the reader to intellectual activity and, thus, involving in the interpretation of the text of its common cultural postmodern experience.

Key words: precedential phenomena, post-modern text, detective text, intertextuality, linguacultural marker.

DOI: 10.18522/1995-0640-2015-4-65-72

Author Biography

Рузана Хамедовна Туова, Adygea State University

Tuova Ruzana Hamedovna - expert of scientific research and innovative programs department. Adygea State University.


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How to Cite

Туова, Р. Х. (2015). Detective text of post-modernism: precedential phenomena as linguacultural markers of intertexuality. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 65–72. Retrieved from

