Pragmatic and motivation basis of flora nominations


  • Ольга Павловна Рябко Southern Federal University


Ryabko O.P. (Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

By now the theory of language nomination has overcome two periods in its academic research: the first-classical one and the second-post-classical period. The first period is characterized, first of all, by onomaseological works of Russian linguists and may truelly be considered as the forthcoming of cognitivism in our country. The second period has been influenced by stimulative ideas of cognitive linguistics. This period is defined as the development of cognitive theory of nomination.

The theory of terminology nomination has consequently acquired cognitive trends. The object of our thorough study is the terminology in flora namings. We have gained econormus factual material and classified it into flora macrofield. The macrofield of flora namings embraces three microfields (parametric, pragmatic and locative-temporal), which determine motivation in flora theory of nomination.

In the article we have focused on motivated-nominative pragmatic qualities of flora namings, presented in three classified groups: functional- pragmatic, denotative-objective and alethic ones. Each group has in its turn several subgroups of qualities in flora namings, which are studied through defenition from authorized lexicographical dictionaries. Pragmatic nomination is realized by inductive-logical mechanism.

Classificated system of qualities in flora namings has determined an integrated pragmatically-motivated basis of flora nomination.

Key words: nomination theory, motivation theory, functional-pragmatic qualities, denotative-objective qualities and alethic qualities.

DOI: 10.18522/1995-0640-2015-4-84-89

Author Biography

Ольга Павловна Рябко, Southern Federal University

Ryabko Olga Pavlovna - Ph.D. of philology, professor. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University.


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Ryabko O.P. Slozhnostrukturnyefloronimy v angliiskomyazyke: kognitivno- freimovayaimotivatsionno - nominativnaya-interpretatsiya: avtoreferat dis. ... d-ra filol. nauk, Pyatigorsk, 2004. 43s.

Rosh E. Coherence and categorization: a historical view. The development of language and language researchers - Hillsdale (N.j.), 1988. P. 373 - 392.

The Oxford English Dictionary, 1978. Vol. 1 - 12.



How to Cite

Рябко, О. П. (2015). Pragmatic and motivation basis of flora nominations. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 84–89. Retrieved from




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