Pragmatic context of B.Obama’s public speeches


  • Александра Сергеевна Яйлоханова Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет


Yailokhanova Alexandra Sergeevna

The article highlights the approaches to the definition of «discourse» given in the fundamental works of Western and Russian scientists-linguists. It also discusses the conditions of implementation of pragmatic attitudes in the speeches of public speeches of US President B. Obama. We present the definition of «pragmatic context factor». As the main factors of pragmatic context it is allocated space factor, the time factor, the factor of events, phenomena and factors, recipient factor. The interaction of these factors in specific contexts of speech are to achieve the intended objectives of a politician, an analysis of possible situations that affect the organization of discourse. Examples of linguistic means of expression of these factors in the context of pragmatic speech are given. The result of this study is the analysis of given public speeches on the subject of the content and methods of implementation of a pragmatic context factors.

Key words: pragmatics, context, pragmatic context, pragmatic context factor, discourse, political discourse.

Author Biography

Александра Сергеевна Яйлоханова, Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет

Yailokhanova A.S. (Stavropol, Russian Federation)  - post-graduate student of Russian language culture dpt. North-Caucasus Federal University. Phone: (8652) 95-68-00; +7(905)-466-10-83; e-mail:



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How to Cite

Яйлоханова, А. С. (2016). Pragmatic context of B.Obama’s public speeches. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 135–140. Retrieved from

