Alteration of modality of phraseological units under the influence of context


  • Маргарита Вячеславовна Гукасова Кафедра европейских языков ИМО Пятигорского государственного лингвистического университета


Gukasova Margarita Vyacheslavovna

The article is devoted to the use of phraseological units in the context of the review and the impact it has on the modality. Based on the understanding of phraseological units as a complex semantic structures, the main feature of which is not just to identify the object, but also to characterize it, to express the emotional and evaluative attitude, one could argue that they are already in the usage endowed with emotive-evaluative modality. Contextual modality is crucial in the characterization of linguistic phenomena data. Text as a complex linguistic work has a modality, since the information provided by the author in the text, is a product of its assessment activities and represents its main communicative intention. Information containing in itself is a kind of relation to the object characterized by, forming the concept of communicative context. Context, as a fundamental part of the text, creates a communicative space in which phraseological units are functioning. Consideration of phraseological units in close relationship with the context contributes to a more complete and efinite realization of their basic modal-evaluation function. Through its functioning in a communicative environment surrounded by elements in the context of the speech interaction often weakens, strengthens, or even completely changes the emotive-evaluative modality, inherent in the usage, and realizes the author’s intent, thereby creating a new modal relationships in the text.

Key words: text, context, speech interaction, emotive-evaluative modality, communicative space, phraseological unit.

Author Biography

Маргарита Вячеславовна Гукасова, Кафедра европейских языков ИМО Пятигорского государственного лингвистического университета

Gukasova M.V. (Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation)  - lecturer. Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University. Phone: 8-928-346-33-31; e-mail: 


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How to Cite

Гукасова, М. В. (2016). Alteration of modality of phraseological units under the influence of context. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 158–165. Retrieved from

