L.P. Sabaneev’s journals: history of hunting journals, collection of work "Nature", "Journal of Hunting", journal "Nature and Hunting"


  • Ольга Владимировна Кубышко Кафедра теории журналистики Института филологии, журналистики и меж- культурной коммуникации Южного федерального университета


Kubyshko Olga Vladimirovna

The article presents the historical and typological analysis of the heritage of the outstanding scientist, publisher and editor L.P. Sabaneev - «Nature», «Hunting» and «Nature and Hunting» journals as an example of the formation and development of hunting journals of the XIX century.

Orientation to the works by the famous biologist, scientist, publisher and editor L.P. Sabaneev seems quite relevant, due to his modern outlook on nature, and actual continuation of his work - the publication of high- quality scientific and popular and specialized magazines with a clear moral and patriotic position, which focuses on environmental and hunting issues.

The paper attempts to trace the chronological changes in the typological picture of publications issued by L.P. Sabaneev, and pays attention to strengthening the typological features of mass publications and information component, focuses on the creation of the most successful models of specialized hunting publication - magazine «Nature and Hunting». By all evidence, L.P. Sabaneev tended to reach the widest possible audience with a view to promote and popularize environmental awareness system of views on hunting and wildlife management.

Key words: L.P. Sabaneev, hunting journals, specialized journals of XIX century, history of hunting journals, collection “Nature”, “Hunting journal”, journal “Nature and Hunting”.


Author Biography

Ольга Владимировна Кубышко, Кафедра теории журналистики Института филологии, журналистики и меж- культурной коммуникации Южного федерального университета

Kubyshko O.V. (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) - post-graduate student of journalism theory dpt. Institute of linguistics, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University. Phone: 8-918-512-39-04; e-mail: hiteckel@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Кубышко, О. В. (2016). L.P. Sabaneev’s journals: history of hunting journals, collection of work "Nature", "Journal of Hunting", journal "Nature and Hunting". Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 176–185. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/10.18522%252F1995-0640-2016-1-176-185

