Grotesque realism in "Revizor" by N.V. Gogol


  • Игорь Леонардович Золотарев Орловский государственный институт искусств и культуры


Zolotarev Igor Leonardovich

The article is dedicated to the famous comedy «Revizor» by the great Russian writer N.V. Gogol. In the comedy the writer creates a carnival atmosphere in which people feel more freedom and more relaxed. Ambivalent laughter of Gogol’s comedy frees man from fear. The writer ridicules the vices of society, the absurdity of the world. Grotesque comedy focuses on this nonsense. The absurdity of the environment, arising under the pressure of the abuse, creates an atmosphere of incredible, grotesque bureaucratic system. A special feature of the play is presented by ambivalence, the presence of «doubles». The real and the imaginary are doubled in the comedy and story. Due to the carnival atmosphere the top and bottom are reversed. Ambivalent laughter denies stagnant and progressive future claims. Realities become incredible, grotesque in sense. Everything becomes eccentric, «strange». The county town is a living organism, sensitive to the real and the unreal, the possible and improbable. Such model without a positive character is capable of causing «grotesque» realism, carnival attitude. And as long as this world exists, there will always be a place of absurdity. The comedy «Revizor» is relevant and in demand because it shows a panorama of Russian life.

Key words: situation, carnival, character, grotesque, plot.

Author Biography

Игорь Леонардович Золотарев, Орловский государственный институт искусств и культуры

Zolotarev I.L. (Orel, Russian Federation) - candidate of linguistics, professor assistant of literature dpt. Orel State Institute of Art and Culture. Phone: 8-906-661-93-81; e-mail:



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How to Cite

Золотарев, И. Л. (2016). Grotesque realism in "Revizor" by N.V. Gogol. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 43–50. Retrieved from

