Category of diversity in linguaphilosophic prospect


  • Валентина Григорьевна Кульпина Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov
  • Виктор Андреевич Татаринов Russian terminological society RossTerm


Kulpina Valentina Grigorievna – Ph.D. of philology, associate professor of Slavic languages and cultures of foreign languages and region study faculty. Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov. 

Tatarinov Victor Andreevich – Ph.D. of philology. President of Russian terminological society RossTerm. 

Abstract. Category of diversity is described in subcategories of homogeneous and inhomogeneous multitudes, allowing to reveal a natural categorization within the category of quantity. An integral multitude, presented within the category of quantity, is formed, among other things of countable nouns, like: штуки, головы, кочаны, etc.: булочек четыре штуки, сорок голов скота, два кочана капусты. When account is carried out on the basis of countable nouns (explicable or implied), a man is abstracted from the individual characteristics of objects, they are thought of as the same person and attention to their differences is not focused on. It is described a type of homogeneous multitudes as the “group” refer to the number of the type стадо etc.: стадо овец, косяк рыб, лежбище тюленейстадо и др.: стадо овец, косяк рыб, лежбище тюленей. It is established cross-language differences filling lexical units within the multitude uniform on the basis of a comparison of the Russian and Polish languages.
The focus of the article is the heterogeneity of the multitude category, designated as a complementary multitude, in which the union objects to the group is based on the complementary elements provided in various multitudes, multitudes with different nominations and acting in conjunction with the names of the objects themselves, which form these multitudes: ассорти, коллекция, канцтовары. The essence of such multitudes is that elements within the group combined a certain connection (as opposed to a uniform multitude), are not the same, but different and complementary. It is nalyzed different groups of such multitudes in the household, business, the scientific field, in onomastics. Among the non-uniform multitudes, groups of people, for example, are viewed on the material of the Polish and German groups like in German Geschwister and polish rodzeństwo, indicating brothers and sisters in different proportions, while in normal circumstances, the lexems do not require refinements in these languages.

Key words: category of diversity, subcategory of multitude, complementary multitude, language dynamics, linguistic similarities and differences.


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How to Cite

Кульпина, В. Г., & Татаринов, В. А. (2016). Category of diversity in linguaphilosophic prospect. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 102–123. Retrieved from

