Linguacultural space “Man-Nature” in literary texts: cognitive and pragmatic approach


  • Рузанна Алиевна Эльдарова Adygea State University


Eldarova Ruzanna Alievna – post-graduate student of common linguistics dpt. Adygea State University.

Abstract. The magnitude of representation of nature images, the links to the author’s mind, the hero, the reader can be considered in literary texts as one of the most important sources for identifying the parameters of the national picture of the world and the individually author’s transformation of its components. Researches that identify patterns of functioning linguacultural spaces in the texts are able to give new results projected in the linguistic picture of the ethnic group of the world due to reflections in literary texts of archetypal, stereotyped images of peculiar linguistic culture and ethnic group as a whole as well as individually-copyright, which characterize a particular linguistic identity and its conception of the world. Cognitive paradigm of modern linguistics, anthropocentric in nature allows to consider culture as a process modeling language, which naturally highlights the problem of linguistic linguaculture of predetermined value. Great importance in this regard is the concept of space as linguocultural cognitive model of objective reality. Cognitive-pragmatic potential of a literary text is deepening due to the introduction the descriptions of nature, since they always implement the ethical, aesthetic, and intellectual abilities of the creative subject.

Key words: anthropomorphism, linguacultural space, cognitive model, semiosis culture, cognitive-pragmatic aspect.


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How to Cite

Эльдарова, Р. А. (2016). Linguacultural space “Man-Nature” in literary texts: cognitive and pragmatic approach. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 139–146. Retrieved from

