Tula song folklore: genre-stylistic and dialectic peculiarities


  • Нелли Александровна Красовская Tula State Pedagogic University of L.N. Tolstoy
  • Юлия Анатольевна Бортулева Tula college of arts


Krasovskaya Nelli Alexandrovna – Ph. D. of philology, professor of Russian language and literature dpt. Russian philology and document study faculty. Tula State Pedagogic University of L.N. Tolstoy.

Bortuleva Yulia Anatolievna – lecturer. Solo and chorus folklore singing dpt. Tula college of arts.

Abstract. The article analyzes the works of Tula folklore recorded in the western part of the Tula region, in terms of genre, stylistic and linguistic features. The relevance of the study is related to the fact that Tula folk songs has not been studied, linguistic features of the works are not subjected to serious analysis. The article describes the features of the genre of songs recorded in Belevsky district of Tula region, including the ancient fortunetelling chants, wedding ceremony songs, romantic ballads etc., it is cited numerous examples in the lyrics that reflect the dialectal features of the phonetic, grammatical, lexical levels. According to the authors, a modern folk song genre retains its diversity and is a kind of storeroom containing priceless linguistic wealth. The analysis allows to draw conclusions about the presence and well-preserved in the recorded music of South Russian dialect phonetic and grammatical features. So far, there is no established typology of Tula dialects, therefore, according to the authors, the fixation of folklore in the territories bordering on Tula dialects, is very important and interesting for further descriptive and comparative work on identifying the eastern and south-south-west differences in Tula dialects.

Key words: folklore, song, Tula dialects, dialectal features.

Author Biography

Нелли Александровна Красовская, Tula State Pedagogic University of L.N. Tolstoy

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How to Cite

Красовская, Н. А., & Бортулева, Ю. А. (2016). Tula song folklore: genre-stylistic and dialectic peculiarities. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 147–154. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/10.18522%252F1995-0640-2016-2-147-154

