Interlanguage comparison of sport discourse (on the material of sport analytic article)


  • Екатерина Александровна Гаврюшина Crimea Federal University of V.I. Vernadsky


Gavryushina Ekaterina Alexandrovna – lecturer, Institute of foreign philology, foreign language dpt. Crimea Federal University of V.I. Vernadsky.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of cultural and mental specificity of language units in the sport communication. The study was conducted on the material of English, Russian and German analytical articles, thematically related to tennis. Using the technique of cross-language comparison it is revealed significant characteristic parameters of sports discourse. The proposed comparative procedure consists in three stages of analysis: linguistic, cognitive-communicative and linguistic-cultural. During the analysis at each step there were identified certain criteria specific to the sport discourse in three linguasocieties.
Sport communication reflects not only the specificity and originality of the language, but also the traditions, history, mentality, culture, and behavior patterns of modern professional sport community. Comparative study of sport discourse reveals the cultural, linguistic and cognitive features of sublanguage sports and allows to get a common view of the structure of sport analytical articles.

Key words: sport analytical article, discourse, comparative analysis, discursive signs, conceptsphere of sport.


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How to Cite

Гаврюшина, Е. А. (2016). Interlanguage comparison of sport discourse (on the material of sport analytic article). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 175–184. Retrieved from

