Representation of spatial relations in the language and fiction text: linguacultural aspect


  • Ольга Сергеевна Акетина Adygea State University


Aketina Olga Sergeevna – post-graduate student of common linguistics dpt. Adygea State University.

Abstract. The article deals with the representation of the physical space in the semantic space of language and literary text. It was found that the threedimensionality of the perceived space allows to describe metrically and topologically. Ontological essence of space is manifested in translation its properties through objects, given in feelings. Spatial objects are characterized by a set of properties that secure their borders and sizes. Spatial concepts are formed as a result of receptive activities, special importance in this process are the signs of dimensional compatibility, mobility and immobility, the relationship to the norm, etc. Cognitive mechanisms that form the basis of perception of the world are reflected in a consistent verbalization of threedimensional space. The importance of specific measurements and hierarchical subordination is not due to the presence of the subject-spatial relations, and foreshortening of human perception of spatial relationships and space category as a whole. The formation of «space» concept in the linguistic and artistic pictures of the world is considered. It is noted that the category of space is a collection of several closely related concepts that represent mental space images, position, distance, etc.

Key words: linguaculture, representation, cognitive mechanism, anthropocentric concept, space, concept, semantic component.


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How to Cite

Акетина, О. С. (2016). Representation of spatial relations in the language and fiction text: linguacultural aspect. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 241–247. Retrieved from

