Castle space in fantasy literature


  • Олег Олегович Путило ФГБОУ ВПО "Волгоградский государственный социально-педагогический университет"


Putilo Oleg Olegovich – candidate of philology, associate professor. Faculty of philology, Literature dpt. Volgograd State Social and Pedagogic University.

Abstract. The article on the materials of foreign and national fantasy (J.R.R. Tolkien, N. Perumov, S. Lukyanenko, M. Semenov etc.) considers the space of the castle, dating back to the chronotope of knight novel. It is analyzed the genesis, dichotomous structure (real-magic, own-alien, up-down, etc.), as well as the function of the castle topos, which is the same both in the foreign and in the Slavic fantasy.

The main emphasis in the description of the castle is mainly on the fortification (the impregnable walls and a long, narrow bridge), symbolizing the inaccessibility of the strongholds and emphasizing the basic function of the castle – to protect its inhabitants. It is noted that the space of the castle in some cases is designed to protect the character of the external action, but sometimes as an object of «foreign» space is an obstacle to the hero performing his quest. Individualization of the description of the topos of the castle is largely dependent on the person who owns it. Light and dark castles differ not only by their architecture, but also by the atmosphere in them.

The presence in the castle of a secret underground passage or a secret room suggests maintaining the tradition of the Gothic novel, in this case the castle is a place of intriguing mystery, that the main character aims to unravel.

Key words: fantasy, topos, chronotope, space, castle.

Author Biography

Олег Олегович Путило, ФГБОУ ВПО "Волгоградский государственный социально-педагогический университет"

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How to Cite

Путило, О. О. (2016). Castle space in fantasy literature. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 35–41. Retrieved from




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