Joke as a means of conflict settling


  • Яна Анатольевна Садовникова Sadovnikova Ya.A. (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)


Sadovnikova Yana Anatolievna – post-graduate student of theory and practice of the English language dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication of Southern Federal University. 

The article is devoted to the use of jokes as one of the verbal means of deintensification of confrontation. The examples from modern English works of art illustrating the use of jokes at different stages of the conflict are presented. As a rule, a joke can be used in open and post-conflict phases, the latent phase of the conflict is not expressed. The use of jokes on the open stage of the conflict can create a kind of tipping point to change the course of the conflict, and thereby help to resolve it. On the post-conflict stage, a joke helps to build relationships that can be important preventing renewed conflict. The article draws attention to the combination of other means of deintensification confrontation with a joke to achieve the best result in the conflict settlement process. The verbal means can be referred to the apology and change of subject, non-verbal gestures and kisses, para-verbal — soothing tone. All of these funds, if used in conjunction with a joke, contribute to a successful resolution of the conflict. They can also enhance the effect of the joke, which is especially important in the case of non-verbal means. The author notes that the effectiveness of the joke depends on both sides — how well one of the interviewees apply the tool and how the second would take it. In the case of a failed joke, the conflict is likely to increase.

Key words: conflict, joke, verbal means, non-verbal means, paraverbal means.


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How to Cite

Садовникова, Я. А. (2016). Joke as a means of conflict settling. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 112–119. Retrieved from

