Sense connection as the base of speech formation


  • Елена Владимировна Филатова Filatova E.V. (Donetsk, DPR)


Filatova Elena Vladimirovna – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent, Acting Head of the Department of English for Natural Sciences and Humanities, Donetsk National University. 

The article develops the idea of L. V. Scherba that in the organization of connected speech, along with grammatical relationship it can be used as an independent means of organizing situational-semantic compatibility of the source speech units in the form of “addition”. Highlighting the question of the relation of initial components in the generation and perception of speech involves figuring out what units are reciprocal. In this regard, it is clearly and consistently demarcated the spheres of language and speech as a nationwide arsenal of linguistic means, and individually creative sphere of their usage in speech activities. Attention is paid to minimal speech structures – syntagma, as well as different types of semantic relationships in the structure of syntagma and between their linear increase in the process of speech production: semantic, the addition of meaning, mediated by semantic and associative relationships. On the basis of the postulate about the purpose of the speech to be a means of communication and understanding it is affirmed the idea that semantic relations in reciprocal units and between them can be considered as the main unifying tool of coherent speech.

Key words: syntagma, innersyntagmatic connection, intersyntagmatic connection, semantic relationship, mediated semantic relationship, associative semantic relationship.


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How to Cite

Филатова, Е. В. (2016). Sense connection as the base of speech formation. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 142–153. Retrieved from

