Linguadidactic peculiarities of the new teaching complex of the Russian language for foreigners


  • Ольга Васильевна Шестак Shestak Olga Vasilievna – candidate of philology, professor assistant of Russian language for foreigners dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University.
  • Марина Эдуардовна Парецкая Paretskaya Marina Aeduardovna – senior lecturer of Russian language for foreigners dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University.


Shestak O.V., Paretskaya M.E. (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

The article provides a description of linguamethodic educational complex in Russian for foreigners studying at language courses in the universities of Russia and reached the first level of certification of general proficiency in Russian (B1).

The complex consists of a textbook, workbook, containing targets for the grammar, audio and disk videotasks. The authors pay special attention to the methods of training to kinds of speech activity and improve the communicative competence in social and cultural spheres, as well as different techniques of presentation of lexical and grammatical material.

Targets set are designed on traditional methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, and taking into account modern test technologies. The authors used a criterion-oriented tests that are presented in the quest to establish compliance, logical or chronological sequence, as well as jobs of multiple-choice and alternative answers. As part of a school assignment can use a combination of issues related to reading and writing, listening and speaking.

The textbook and workbook has available application sheet with keys to tasks. Audio recordings, videos, excerpts from films and photographs used in the performance of tasks are placed on the disk.

Key words: Russian as a foreign language, communicative competence, linguistic competence, module, types of speech activity.


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How to Cite

Шестак, О. В., & Парецкая, М. Э. (2016). Linguadidactic peculiarities of the new teaching complex of the Russian language for foreigners. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 179–186. Retrieved from

