Translator education in the sphere of professional communication within the context of Russian education modernisation


  • Юлия Владимировна Шаповалова Shapovalova Yulia Vladimirovna – candidate of philosophy, professor assistant of science-technical translation and professional communication dpt. Don State Technical University.
  • Виктория Викторовна Панкова Pankova Viktoriya Viktorovna – candidate of philology, professor as- sistant of science-technical translation and professional communication dpt. Don State Technical University.
  • Татьяна Валерьевна Волкова Volkova Tatyana Valerievna – candidate of philosophy, professor as- sistant of science-technical translation and professional communication dpt. Don State Technical University.


Shapovalova Y.V., Pankova V.V., Volkova T.V. (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

The article considers relevant problems of training an interpreter in professional communication in connection with the process of modernization of the Russian education. Attention is drawn to the fact that the process of global integration and globalization of human society has essential influence on the educational space in Russia and around the world. The authors emphasize that improving the quality of education is a priority in the reform of vocational education. The quintessence of the process is to achieve the formation of general education and professional competence, in particular, and the translator in sphere of professional communications, which will be able to use a foreign language as a working tool for fast and qualitative solving of professional problems.

Key words: translator in the field of professional communication, professional competence, education, quality of education, foreign language, translation of the individual.


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How to Cite

Шаповалова, Ю. В., Панкова, В. В., & Волкова, Т. В. (2016). Translator education in the sphere of professional communication within the context of Russian education modernisation. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 187–192. Retrieved from

