Translation and perception of Taffy’s works in China


  • Хуан Сяоминь Huang Xiaomin (China)


Huang Xiaomin – doctor of philological Sciences, Associate Professor of school of foreign languages Renmin University of China

In this work, revealed in detail the development of translation Taffy’s works in China. To this day, some Taffy’s works were translated into Chinese, in particular, was published in China one collection that includes 77 stories of Taffy. Translation of Taffy’s works contributed to the study of her works in China. The perception of Taffy’s works in China in different ways and expressed in different ways. In recent years, came out a few master’s тheses, which devoted to works of Taffy. A favorite topic of researchers are mostly the distinctive humor and laugh of Taffy.

Key words: Taffy, translation, reception, China, humorous stories, laugh.

Author Biography

Хуан Сяоминь, Huang Xiaomin (China)




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How to Cite

Сяоминь, Х. (2016). Translation and perception of Taffy’s works in China. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 19–25. Retrieved from

