On one of the ways of Russian written speech teaching to foreign bachelors


  • Рафаил Мушетович Тазапчиян Tazapchiyan Rafail Mushetovich – candidate of pedagogy, professor assistant of the Russian as a foreign language dpt. Don State Technical University.
  • Анна Павловна Раннева Ranneva Anna Pavlovna – candidate of philology, professor assistant of the Russian as a foreign language dpt. Don State Technical University.


R.M. Tazapchiyan, A.P. Ranneva (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

The article analyzes one of the approaches to the development of writing skills of foreign students studying in the Russian university program of “Bachelor” on the target language – Russian. The relevance of the issue discussed in the paper is primarily determined by the significance of the written form of communication, which is directly connected with all spheres of human activity. In addition, the methodical feasibility of improving the communicative abilities of the letter stems from the fact that the written language, requiring form the producer greater awareness actions to make a high level of analytical and synthetic transactions that positively affect the quality of the speech orally and in terms of its grammatical formation, and in terms of its logical-structuring.

The current practice of training of foreigners in writing in Russian is reduced mainly to the production of the text as a result of compression source. Information processing in this case will be focused on the definition of communicative structure of the text, and in this base allocate the most important data and their subsequent recording. The authors’ propose is to teach writing on the basis of information deployment contained in such sources as announcement, questionnaire, poll. In this situation, on the basis of knowledge of the rules of analysis and synthesis of linguistic units there is the construction of a variety of grammatically correct and semantically marked utterances, the expediency-organized differently in the text.

Key words: communication, reproduction, producer, text, bachelor, technique.


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How to Cite

Тазапчиян, Р. М., & Раннева, А. П. (2016). On one of the ways of Russian written speech teaching to foreign bachelors. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 193–199. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/10.18522%252F1995-0640-2016-3-193-199




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