Two poems about “fabulous autumn” (V. Shalamov, A. Akhmatova)


  • Дарья Владимировна Кротова Krotova D.V. (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Krotova Darya Vladimirovna – candidate of philology, lecturer. Moscow State University, faculty of philology, the newest Russian literature history and modern literature process dpt.

The article compares the poem «What spring in August?..» by V.Shalamov and «Fabulous autumn has built high dome...» by A. Akhmatova. It is proved that the two poems are dedicated to artistic interpretation of a similar psychological phenomenon – the feeling of spring, which suddenly appears in autumn (Shalamov – the eve of the autumn, in August). It is identified and analyzed a common theme as related features, significant differences in the interpretation of the two poets. It is suggested that Shalamov, creating a poem, remembered Akhmatova’s interpretation, as evidenced by its appeal to the characteristic of Akhmatova’s poetic techniques, for example, special semantic load of the final lines of the poem. Akhmatova corresponds to the text and specific stanzas of the poem by Shalamov. It is proved that the “dialogue” with Akhmatova and Shalamov is not accidental, and being in the art world so distant from each other, at first glance, creative people can see not only the obvious differences, but also the depth of intersection. Particular attention is given to the interest of Shalamov to acmeist poetics. It is proved that the closest to Shalamov’s poetry was the realization of laws of acmeism presented in the lyrics by Akhmatova. It is marked in the article parallels of art worlds of Shalamov and Akhmatova and proved how deep Shalamov is connected with the highest achievements of art of the Silver Age.

Key words: Russian literature, XX century poetry, Shalamov, Akhmatova, acmeism, traditions, psycologism. 



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How to Cite

Кротова, Д. В. (2016). Two poems about “fabulous autumn” (V. Shalamov, A. Akhmatova). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 36–43. Retrieved from

