Negative constructions in memoir texts by A.Konchalovsky as indices of speech characteristics and author’s personality characteristics


  • Елена Анатольевна Болотова Bolotova E.A. (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)


Bolotova Elena Anatolievna – post-graduate student of the Russian language dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication of Southern Federal University. Lecturer of documentation and language communication dpt. Don State Technical University.

The aim of the article is to examine the relevant problem of negation in linguistics, as well as the possible ways of use by the author the memoirs texts by A. Konchalovsky («Low truths» and «Exalts deception») the negative constructions, their pragmatic orientation. It becomes clear how and what certain fiction-figurative and expressive means, based on the use of linguistic resources at various levels, it is possible to characterize the individual memoirist using negative semantic proposals. We consider the specifics of the use of various methods of influence by the author of memoirs on the reader by the means of representation categories of negopositivism. It reveals that any information that is submitted by the author in the text of memoirs, refers to the identity of the author, memoirist, and entering into a dialogue with their readers, the author establishes contacts with them. In the course of this dialogue there is the exchange of information about people, about oneself, about different events and facts in the different periods of the life of the author and the country.

Key words: author of the memoir, memoir text, grammatical 


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How to Cite

Болотова, Е. А. (2016). Negative constructions in memoir texts by A.Konchalovsky as indices of speech characteristics and author’s personality characteristics. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 69–78. Retrieved from

