Cognitive and pragmatic potential of the fiction text: intentionality and implication of irony


  • Заур Асланович Заврумов Zavrumov Z.A. (Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation)


Zavrumov Zaur Aslanovich – candidate of philology, professor assistant, rector deputy on scientific work and development of university intellectual potential. Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University. 

The article examines the intentionality and implication of irony from the perspective of its producer and recipient, which allows to identify and describe the functions of irony. The author postulates the existence of verbal and situational types of irony, the understanding of which is based on the knowledge of “compatibility” within the same context of the events, phenomena, objects of linguistic units. Decoding of irony is a cognitive mechanism, the implementation of which depends on the ability of the recipient to interpret the statements in the coordinates of the intentionality of the producer. The ironic meaning is the result of functioning of situational implicature. Receptive-interpretative activity aimed at decoding the ironic act that objectifies the specifics of irony as a pragmatic phenomenon which is always characterized by implicit evaluation. The multilevel nature of the phenomenon of irony makes polivarietiveness of its interpretation. Axiology statements, the underlying irony give grounds to consider it as the cognitive foundation of intentionality and implicational literary text, variously realized in different register fields: author, character, receptive and reflexiveinterpretative.

Key words: irony, ironic discourse, ironic communication, intentionality, implicational, literary text.



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How to Cite

Заврумов, З. А. (2016). Cognitive and pragmatic potential of the fiction text: intentionality and implication of irony. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 79–86. Retrieved from

