The Question of Predicativity of Non-Main Clauses in Conditional Constructions in the Framework of the Problem of Chechen Hypotaxis
Ayshat S. Badaeva (Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russian Federation)
The conditional forms of a verb marking action which caused other action expressed by the main predicate of the sentence are presented in many languages. Researchers state the contradictory points of view concerning semantical-grammatical features of these forms in the Caucasian languages. In article we tried to define the place of the studied forms in the system of the Chechen verb and also their role in hypotaxical constructions.
Principal and auxiliary means of expression of conditional semantics in the Chechen language are distinguished in the article. Thus, the most characteristic and frequent in use are the forms formed by the affixes -ħ and -ħāră. In addition to them the following markers of conditional meanings are presented in the Chechen: the interrogative form of the indicative mood, the present-tense form with the -q particle, and the converb formed by adding the -čă affix to one of the stem of the past.
Forms of verb ending with -ħ and -ħāră, which are the main condition markers in polyclausal conditional sentences, are presented in different points in the works of scientists. Thus, some authors specify them as moods, others consider them as adverbial forms of a verb. Besides, there are contradictory views concerning the very type of sentences in which the forms function. Some linguists consider clauses formed around such forms as subordinate ones in a complex sentences, another point of view is advanced by the opponents of the theory of the developed hypotaxis in the Chechen language, distinguishing the subordinate conditional clauses as conditional non-finite construction.
The analyzed forms have some specific characteristics distinguishing them among the other converbs in Chechen language. Thus, they have category of absolute time and the own subject different from the subject of the main predicate. Forms of verb ending with -ħ and -ħāră differ from each other mainly on the basis of reality or unreality of the marked condition. Forms of verb with a suffix -ħ function as a predicate of a subordinate clause in the conditional sentences where the main predicate is a verb in the form of a future tense or the imperative. Not the alternative reality, but real-conditional one is expressed in such sentences. Forms on -ħāră function as a predicate of a subordinate clause as a part of the subjunctive sentence, marking alternative reality in all tense structure, often the time for the sentence is defined by a predicate of a subordinate clause.
Analysis of the grammatical and semantic features of the conditional forms in Chechen language allowed us to draw some conclusions on this question.
In our opinion, the developed taxis and subject-object relationships within the clause, predicated by conditional form, and also the nature of the relationship of this clause with the main clause in the structure of the polyclausal construction give us a reason to define these constructions as complex sentences.
We believe that it is unreasonable to define the conditional forms as forms of mood, by means of that the special meaning of these forms can’t be considered as modal. A special function of the conditional form is the realization of the syntax connection between clauses as part of a complete conditional sentence. We haven’t detected any other semantic, grammatical and modal functions or meanings at the forms. That is, the special formants -ħ and -ħāră, forming conditional forms, are only the means of connection for parts of the sentence and on the grammatical meaning they are equivalent to the conjunctions.
Key words:hypotaxis, inclination, conditional forms, predicatively, nonessential clause, the converb.
DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-3-84-95
Ayshat S. Badaeva (Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russian Federation)
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