The Role of Interjections as a Brief Expressive Means in W. Shakespeare’s Tragedy “Othello”


  • Любовь Викторовна Лазухина Уральский федеральный университет имени Б.Ельцина


Lyubovˊ V. Lazukhina (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)

The article is devoted to the analysis of expressive means in W. Shakespeare’s tragedy “Othello”. Among other expressive means interjections were allocated on the basis of their categorical features. Interjections serve only for a brief expression of emotions, feelings and mental state at the moment of speaking while the remaining means are intended to reinforce, assess, confirm or refute what was said.

Key words: interjection, expressive means, parts of speech.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-4-97-107



Lazukhina, L. V. (2017). Role of Interjections as a Brief Expressive Means in W. Shakespeare’s Tragedy "Othello". Proceedings of Southern federal university. Philology. 4, 97‒107.

Author Biography

Любовь Викторовна Лазухина, Уральский федеральный университет имени Б.Ельцина

Lyubovˊ V. Lazukhina – post-graduate student of German philology dpt. Ural Federal University of B. Eltsin. Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Лазухина, Л. В. (2017). The Role of Interjections as a Brief Expressive Means in W. Shakespeare’s Tragedy “Othello”. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 97–107. Retrieved from

