Fritz Strich: “Baroque” Term Origin and Poetic Practice of Expressionism (on the Example of G. Benn)


  • Никон Игоревич Ковалев Russian Academy of Science


Nikon I. Kovalev (Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russian Federation)

The article reviews the most important works of Fritz Strich, a German literary critic who was the first to use the term “baroque” as applied to literature. In these texts there is a tendency for the Baroque literature to converge with Strich’s modern literary trends - in particular, with expressionism, which had a profound impact on the subsequent development of literary interpretations of the Baroque. In addition, they have a serious influence on modern poetry, for example, G. Benn’s creativity can serve as an example.

Key words: baroque, expressionism, Gottfried Benn, Fritz Strich, German literary criticism.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-2-12-17

Author Biography

Никон Игоревич Ковалев, Russian Academy of Science

Nikon I. Kovalev – post-graduate student. Russian Academy of Science, Moscow.


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Alewyn R. (Hrsg.) Deutsche Barockforschung: Dokumentation einer Epoche. Köln, Berlin, 1965. 466 p.

Beißner F. Deutsche Barocklyrik. Formkräfte der deutschen Dichtung vom Barock bis zum Gegenwart. Göttingen, 1963, pp. 35-55.

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Luther G. Barocker Expressionismus? Zur Problematik der Beziehung zwischen der Bildlichkeit expressionistischer und barocker Lyrik. Den Haag/Paris, 1969. 177 p.

Muschg W. Von Trakl zu Brecht. Dichter des Expressionismus. München, 1961. 379 p.

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Strich F. Deutsche Barocklyrik. Genius, 1921, no. 3, pp. 106-110.

How to Cite

Ковалев, Н. И. (2017). Fritz Strich: “Baroque” Term Origin and Poetic Practice of Expressionism (on the Example of G. Benn). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 12–17. Retrieved from

