Movement Images and Existential Problematics in the Novel by S. Beckett “More Pricks than Kicks”


  • Илья Николаевич Чернышев Southern Federal University


Il’ya N. Chernyshev (Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

The article considers the semantic prerequisites for the use of images associated with movement in S. Beckett’s novel «More Pricks than Kicks» and their functioning in the context of the existential problematic of the work. A great influence on the author’s early prose was made by the modernist tradition and, in particular, the work of J. Joyce. Numerous allusions and a complex system of characters, the distinguishing features of which are the peculiarities of their movement, allowed the writer to express his views on the problem of human existence. This study suggests looking at the figurative component of S. Beckett’s early work from the viewpoint of phenomenological analysis.

Key words: movement, Beckett, existential problems, modes of movement, system of images.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-2-33-41

Author Biography

Илья Николаевич Чернышев, Southern Federal University

Il’ya N. Chernyshev – post-graduate student. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication of Southern Federal University.


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How to Cite

Чернышев, И. Н. (2017). Movement Images and Existential Problematics in the Novel by S. Beckett “More Pricks than Kicks”. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 33–41. Retrieved from

