Translation of Museum Texts: Elimination of Interlingual Gaps


  • Ирина Игоревна Данилова Южный федеральный университет


Irina I. Danilova (Taganrog, Russian Federation)

In the given article the problems of elimination of lexical units (on the material of translation of texts of Taganrog museums) is studied. In this connection, lexical units with cultural, national, historical components are researched. The objects of the analysis are lexical units of everyday life, geographical terms, names and religious terms. When a foreign visitor comes to the museum, he faces difficulties in understanding these realities. Places of such misunderstanding are called interlingual gaps. Summing everything up the author shows the ways of elimination of these gaps. It is possible to translate these phenomena into English using transliteration, explanation, search of analogue, descriptive translation. The most frequently used method of translation is combination of transliteration and explanation. This method of translation makes possible to preserve the identity of the Russian character and convey the features of the mentality of the Russian people. The study of the elimination of interlingual gaps when translating museum texts into English will give new results for the adaptation of museums of small Russian towns for foreign visitors.

Key words: museum texts, lexical units, intercultural communication, gaps, elimination of interlingual gaps, translation.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2018-1-60-68

Author Biography

Ирина Игоревна Данилова, Южный федеральный университет

Irina I. Danilova – candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor. Department of Linguistics. Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russian



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How to Cite

Данилова, И. И. (2018). Translation of Museum Texts: Elimination of Interlingual Gaps. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 60–68. Retrieved from

