Language Personality of the Publicist: Rhetorical and Stylistic Canon (Yu. Senkevich “To “Ra” Across the Atlantic”)


  • Ольга Васильевна Шаталова Lipetsk State Pedagogical University оf P. Semen-Tyan-Shansky


Olga V. Shatalova (Lipetsk, Russian Federation)

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In article the communicative and linguistic parameters of the speech of the publicist of the XX century Yu. Senkevich which are declared as a sample for formation of the language personality in the conditions of development of the modern information and communicative environment are designated. On the example of the analysis of the book «On “Ra” through Atlantic» locates the fact of that Yu.N. Senkevich’s creativity corresponds to the main criteria of popular scientific journalism: high degree of reliability, authoritativeness of the publicist; dynamism, dramatic nature, intelligence of a statement. The unostentatious enlightenment based on updating of scientific knowledge for the addressee and a dialogization of a publicistic discourse, the high level of psychological and philosophical generality, the declaration of humanistic values form specific rhetoric which is supported by the formal and grammatical organization of the speech of the publicist. Priority of syntactic designs of a certain type, stylistic ladders and figures – dynamism of a statement and scale of representation of material define. The humour and easy self-irony as significant characteristics of the language personality define a basis of the rhetorical and stylistic canon realized in publicistic works Yu.N. Senkevich – «the human view of people and society» that in the modern information and communicative environment becomes a necessary reference point.

Key words: language personality, journalism, Senkevich, enlightenment, dialogicity, priority syntactic designs.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-3-128-136

Author Biography

Ольга Васильевна Шаталова, Lipetsk State Pedagogical University оf P. Semen-Tyan-Shansky

Olga V. Shatalova – Ph.D. of philology, associate professor of the Russian language and literature dpt. Lipetsk State Pedagogical University оf P. Semen-Tyan-Shansky


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How to Cite

Шаталова, О. В. (2017). Language Personality of the Publicist: Rhetorical and Stylistic Canon (Yu. Senkevich “To “Ra” Across the Atlantic”). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 128–136. Retrieved from

