Structure of Numeral Phraseological Units in Different Structure Languages (Russian, Spanish and Georgian)


  • Нино Александровна Заалишвили


Nino A. Zaalishvili (Telavi, Georgia)

The article deals with the structure of the numeral phraseological units in the Georgian, Russian and Spanish languages. There are given the morphological peculiarities of the numerals which are a part of phraseological units and semantic groups of numerals which participate in a phrase-formation. The article defines characteristics of the phraseology and shows the examples of numerical phraseological unites from the abovementioned languages. The analysis of the numeral phraseological units shows that the matter in non-related languages (Russian, Spanish and Georgian) continues to remain quite serious linguistic problem.

Key words: numeral phraseologisms, structure, idiom, typology, semantics.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-4-56-60



Zaalishvili, N. A. (2017). Structure of Numeral Phraseological Units in Different Structure Languages (Russian, Spanish and Georgian). Proceedings of Southern federal university. Philology. 4, 56‒60.

Author Biography

Нино Александровна Заалишвили

Nino A. Zaalishvili – applicant for Ph.D. degree of the Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University, assistant


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How to Cite

Заалишвили, Н. А. (2017). Structure of Numeral Phraseological Units in Different Structure Languages (Russian, Spanish and Georgian). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 56–60. Retrieved from

