Fixed-Phrase Scheme «V finit (пр. вр.) [N1, Adj1] + и + V finit (пр. вр.) [N1, Adj1]» in the Modern Russian Language
Diana A. Vakulenko (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)
This article is devoted to the description of fixed-phrase scheme of the modern Russian language with the compulsory component и which is the linguistic unit of the phraseological subsystem, characterized by the reproductiveness, stability, structural and semantic integrity, idiomaticity and expressiveness. These fixed-phrase scheme possesses an unchangeable structure which helps to create other sentences-utterances with the same meaning. It can express both subjective and evaluative shades of meaning. The use of this fixed-phrase scheme in the colloquial speech makes the communication better and add the unconstrained character to the communication process.
The fixed-phrase scheme possesses the non-grammatism feature that consists in the impossibility of the direct interpretation of the sentence: the syntactic construction is represented by two repeated lexemes divided by the intensifying conjunction.
This fixed-phrase scheme is characterized by the complete status of the syntactic phraseologized construction. It differs from other fixed-phrase schemes by the interposition of the compulsory component, non-extended character of the syntactic construction, low level of expressivity, and also by the specific character of its producing model. The investigation perspective can be connected with the communicative, cognitive and pragmatic aspects of its description.
Key words: syntactical phraseology, fixed phrase scheme, phraseological subsystem, stability, Russian language.
DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-4-80-87
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