Reasons of Emergence and Formation Features of Quebec Swearing (Les Sacres)


  • Федор Сергеевич Непша
  • Татьяна Львовна Богатырева


Fedor S. Nepsha, Tatyana L. Bogatyreva (Kemerovo, Russian Federation)

The paper examines the main reasons for the emergence and spread of Quebec swearing (les sacres). Socio-psychological aspects of their origin and distribution in the Quebec dialect of the French language are analyzed. It is established that after the Silent Revolution (Révolution tranquille) of the 6070s of the 20th century, the influence of the Catholic Church in Quebec was minimized, so the “les sacres” lost their original meaning and no longer bear a religious connotation.

Various variants of classification of mechanisms of word-formation “les sacres” are also given in the work. Separately, the classification proposed by André Bugaev has been singled out, within the framework of which the mechanisms of the word-formation “les sacres” are discussed in detail. With its use, it is suggested to perform a linguistic analysis of the retrospective of the word-formation system “les sacres” and to establish a relationship with socio-political factors.

Key words: Quebec swearing, Quebec French, word formation, les sacres, Catholicism, Francophonie.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-4-116-124



Nepsha, F. S. & Bogatyreva, T. L. (2017). Reasons of Emergence and Formation Features of Quebec Swearing (Les Sacres). Proceedings of Southern federal university. Philology. 4, 116‒124.

Author Biographies

Федор Сергеевич Непша

Fedor S. Nepsha – senior lecturer of electric power supply of mountain and industrial enterprises dpt. Kuzbass state technical university of T.F. Gorbachev.

Татьяна Львовна Богатырева

Tatyana L. Bogatyreva – senior lecturer of foreign languages dpt. Kuzbass state technical university of T.F. Gorbachev.


Clément Légaré, André Bougaïff. L’Empire du sacré québécois: étude sémiolinguistique d’un intensif populaire. Montréal: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 1984. 276 p.

Dictionnaire Le Petit Robert de la langue française - 2017 (French Edition) (Le Petit Robert Dictionnaires), Le Robert, Fr.; 44th Revised edition edition, 2017. 2880 p.

Enoncé d’une politique linguistique relative aux québécismes, 1985. Office de la langue française, 199e séance, Québec.

Hardy R., Contrôle social et mutation de la culture religieuse au Québec, 18301930. Montréal, Québec: Editions du Boréal, 1999.

L’encyclopédie libre Wikipédia [электронный ресурс], статья «Sacre québécois». URL: %A9b%C3 %A9cois (дата обращения 23.05.2017).

L’encyclopédie libre Wikipédia [электронный ресурс], статья «Révolution tranquille». URL? %A9volution_tranquille (дата обращения 23.05.2017).

Les sacres au Québec // Expressions québécoises URL: http://pages.videotron. com/micpreno/les_sacres_au_quebec.htm (дата обращения: 23.05.2017).

Pichette J.-P., Guide raisonné du juron, Quinze, Montréal: Collection Mémoires d’homme. 1980.


Clément Légaré, André Bougaïff. L’Empire du sacré québécois: étude sémiolinguistique d’un intensif populaire [The Empire of the Quebec French profanity: A Semiolinguistic Study of a Popular Intensive]. Montréal: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 1984. 276 p. (In French).

Dictionnaire Le Petit Robert de la langue française - 2017 (French Edition) (Le Petit Robert Dictionnaires), Le Robert, Fr.; 44th Revised edition edition, 2017. 2880 p. (In French).

Enoncé d’une politique linguistique relative aux québécismes [Statement of a linguistic policy on Quebecois], 1985. Office de la langue française, 199e séance, Québec. (In French).

Hardy R., 1999, Contrôle social et mutation de la culture religieuse au Québec [Social Control and Changes in Religious Culture in Quebec], 1830-1930. Montréal, Québec: Editions du Boréal.

L’encyclopédie libre Wikipédia [electronic source], the article «Sacre québécois». Available at: qu%C3 %A9b%C3 %A9cois (accessed 23.05.2017).

L’encyclopédie libre Wikipédia [electronic source], статья «Révolution tranquille». Available at: % A9volution_ tranquille (accessed 23.05.2017).

Les sacres au Québec [the Quebec French profanity]. Expressions québécoises. Available at: /les_sacres_au_quebec.htm (accessed: 23.05.2017). (In French).

Pichette J.-P., 1980, Guide raisonné du juron [Rational Guide to the Swearing] Quinze, Montréal: Collection Mémoires d’homme.

How to Cite

Непша, Ф. С., & Богатырева, Т. Л. (2017). Reasons of Emergence and Formation Features of Quebec Swearing (Les Sacres). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 116–124. Retrieved from

