From the Paradigm of «either/or» Exclusion to the Paradigm of Consciousness Expansion «both/and»: «Russians are those who Love Birch Trees» by Olga Gryaznova


  • Елизавета Всеволодовна Соколова Отдел литературоведения Института научной информации по общественным наукам РАН


Elizaveta V. Sokolova (Moscow, Russian Federation)

The important trend to the new paradigm of self-perception by literary characters in the global world of today as reflected in the modern German transnational literature is demonstrated by an example of the novel  Russians are those who love birch tress  (Der Russe ist einer der Birken liebt, 2012) by Olga Gryaznova, the young German author with Soviet background. The paradigm based on «exclusion» (either…or…) in national and cultural self-identification of literary characters that dominated in transnational German literature till now, seems to be alternated here by the new one, based on «inclusion» (both… and…).

Key words: contemporary German literature, transnationalism in German literature, migrant-literature, Russian characters in modern German literature, Olga Gryaznova.

Author Biography

Елизавета Всеволодовна Соколова, Отдел литературоведения Института научной информации по общественным наукам РАН

Elizaveta V. Sokolova – candidate of philology, senior researcher. Institute of Scientific Information of Social Sciences of Russian Academy of Science. 



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Görner R. Grenzen, Schwellen, Übergӓnge. Zur Poetik des Transitorischen, Göttingen, 2001, 160 p.

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Šediková Čuhová P. Einsamkeit bei DolmetscherInnen/ÜbersetzerInnen. Figuren bei AutorInnen mit Migrationserfahrung am Beispiel des Romans «Der Russe ist einer, der Birken liebt» von Olga Grjasnowa. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (LiLi), Siegen, 2016, Jg. 46., h.1, pp. 37-53.

Taberner S. Transnationalism in contemporary German-language fiction by nonminority writers. Seminar: A journal of Germanic studies, Toronto, 2011, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 624-645.

Taberner S. Transnationalism and cosmopolitanism: Literary world-building in the twenty-first century. Transnationalism in contemporary German-language literature, Rochester; N. Y., 2015. pp. 43–64.

Transnationalism in contemporary German-language literature, Rochester; N. Y., 2015, 292 p.

Venkat Mani B. Cosmopolitical claims: Turkisch-German literatures from Nadolny to Pamuk, Iowa City, 2007, 262 p.

Vertovec S. Transnationalism. London; N. Y., 2009, х, 205 p.

How to Cite

Соколова, Е. В. (2018). From the Paradigm of «either/or» Exclusion to the Paradigm of Consciousness Expansion «both/and»: «Russians are those who Love Birch Trees» by Olga Gryaznova. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 12–21. Retrieved from

