Narration Peculiarities in the Story by Kosmina Israpilova “Who are You?”


  • Альбина Абдурахмановна Гаджиева кафедра русской литературы филологического факультета Дагестанского государственного университета


Albina A. Gadjieva (Makhachkala, Dagestan Republic, Russian Federation)

As a research problem, we determined to attempt an analysis of the image of the narrator and the characteristics of the narrative. To understand a literary text it is necessary to consider who narrates and how he/she does it. This phenomenon is of particular interest in the study of a literary text of the bilingual writer (bilingual). In the analysis of the work it has been revealed not only features of the narrative, the depth of the author’s intentions, but the characteristics of the mentality of the author-bilingual.

Key words: storyteller, narrator, mentality, bilingualism.

Author Biography

Альбина Абдурахмановна Гаджиева, кафедра русской литературы филологического факультета Дагестанского государственного университета

Albina A. Gadjieva – candidate of philology, associate professor of Russian literature dpt. Faculty of philology. Dagestan State University.


Исрапилова К. А. Кто ты? Махачкала, 1992. 146 с.

Хализев В.Е. Теория литературы. М., 2013. 432 с.


Israpilova K.A. Kto tу? Makhachkala, 1992. 146 p. (In Russian).

Halisev V.E. Teoriуa literatyrу. Moskow, 2013. 432 p. (In Russian).

How to Cite

Гаджиева, А. А. (2018). Narration Peculiarities in the Story by Kosmina Israpilova “Who are You?”. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 31–38. Retrieved from

