The fixed phrase scheme with the compulsory component «называется»
Viktoria Yu. Kravtsova (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)
The analysis of the fixed phrase scheme «N1-6 + называется!» is fulfilled. It was established that its compulsory component is simple and is represented by the word «называется». The fixed phrase scheme is monosemic: it has the meaning of «negative evaluation». It is derived and it is formed on the basis of a simple sentence according to the enantiosemical model.
The compulsory unchangeable component of the fixed phrase scheme has zero grammatical and morphological paradigms (exсept for grammatical category of number). Its inner form is completely pertinent.
The compulsory changeable component has defective grammatical paradigm, because it is represented by a noun (complete morphological paradigm) or a verb (incomplete morphological paradigm).
The fixed phrase scheme possesses one optional component, detailing the fixed phrase scheme content and intensifying its meaning. The fixed phrase scheme has the syntactic paradigm due to the order convertibility of the compulsory changeable and unchangeable components. The extension is possible; however, it is relatively rare. The co-occurrence of the fixed phrase scheme with other utterances in the text has entirely semantic character.
The analyzed fixed phrase scheme possesses all phraseological features: reproducibility, structural and semantic stability and integrity, idiomaticity, colloquial stylistic colouring, expressivity and agrammatism element as well. The high expressivity level of the fixed phrase scheme determines the high functional frequency in speech, and the pragmatic potential contributes the increasing of the communication process effectiveness.
Key words: fixed phrase scheme; structural and semantic stability and integrity; idiomaticity; expressivity; stylistic colouring.
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