Pedagogical Design in Conditions of the Necessity to Increase the Rating of the Subject "Russian Language"


  • Полина Валерьевна Афанасьева отдел методического сопровождения модернизации содержания образования Воронежского института развития образования


Polina V. Afanasieva (Voronezh, Russian Federation)

The article substantiates the need for methodical work aimed at finding effective ways of using the possibilities of pedagogical design to improve the rating of the school subject «Russian language», which, according to the data obtained during the statement of questionnaires of students and teachers of the city of Voronezh, is steadily low in comparison with other objects. As an illustration, fragments of interactive lessons that translate the didactic potential of the principles of pedagogical design are presented. Their implementation not only contributes to the improvement of the system of teaching the Russian language on the basis of activating the independent activity of students, but also positively affects the rating of the subject.

Key words: pedagogical design, Russian language at school, interactive lesson, didactic possibilities.

Author Biography

Полина Валерьевна Афанасьева, отдел методического сопровождения модернизации содержания образования Воронежского института развития образования

Polina V. Afanasieva – candidate of pedagogy, resource specialist of the resource support of education modernization. Voronezh Institute of Education Development.


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How to Cite

Афанасьева, П. В. (2018). Pedagogical Design in Conditions of the Necessity to Increase the Rating of the Subject "Russian Language". Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 196–205. Retrieved from

