The world of national emigration in Rasul Gamzatov’s works


  • Ахмед Магомедович Муртазалиев Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of G. Tsadas
  • Фатыма Хамзаевна Мухамедова Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of G. Tsadas
  • Маржанат Набигулаевна Набигулаева Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of G. Tsadas


Ahmed M. Murtazaliev, Fatyma H. Muhamedova, Marzhanat N. Nabigulaeva (Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russian Federation)

The creativity of the outstanding poet of the present Rasul Gamzatov is the unique phenomenon which contains completeness of poetic and philosophical comprehension of the world and national peculiarities of his people. From this point of view it would be interesting to consider the problem of the philosophical concept of perception by Rasul Gamzatov of such a complex and ambiguous phenomenon as national emigration, its nature and psychology, to reveal the features of artistic interpretation of this problem.

Key words: diaspora, Rasul Gamzatov, ethnocultural consciousness, native language, elegy, historical homeland.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2018-3-174-182

Author Biographies

Ахмед Магомедович Муртазалиев, Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of G. Tsadas

Ahmed M. Murtazaliev – Ph.D. of philology, head of the center of Ramsul Gamzatov’s literature heritage study. Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of G. Tsadas. Makhachkala, Russian Federation

Фатыма Хамзаевна Мухамедова, Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of G. Tsadas

Fatyma H. Muhamedova – Ph.D. of philology, chief science worker of the center of Ramsul Gamzatov’s literature heritage study. Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of G. Tsadas. Makhachkala, Russian Federation

Маржанат Набигулаевна Набигулаева, Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of G. Tsadas

Marzhanat N. Nabigulaeva – candidate of philology, science worker of the center of Ramsul Gamzatov’s literature heritage study. Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of G. Tsadas. Makhachkala, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Муртазалиев, А. М., Мухамедова, Ф. Х., & Набигулаева, М. Н. (2018). The world of national emigration in Rasul Gamzatov’s works. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 174–182. Retrieved from

