Syrian Conflict Coverage in the English Military-Media Discourse


  • Наталья Геннадиевна Склярова Southern Federal University


Natalya G. Sklyarova (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

The goal of the article is to explore some linguistic means used in the English and American military mass media discourse to describe the present situation in Syria. The research is carried out in the semiotic aspect with the help of contextual and distributive methods of analysis. The verbal signs that define the participants of the described events, their actions, tangible and intangible resources, values and anti-values are used not only to supply the Western readers with the information but also to form a biased representation of what is happening for the world community.

Key words: linguasemiotics, verbal sign, linguistic manipulation, elective interpretation, military mass media discourse.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2018-4-64-73

Author Biography

Наталья Геннадиевна Склярова, Southern Federal University

Natalya G. Sklyarova – Ph. D. of philology, professor of theory and practice of the English language dpt. Institute of Philology, Journalism and Cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University.


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How to Cite

Склярова, Н. Г. (2018). Syrian Conflict Coverage in the English Military-Media Discourse. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 64–73. Retrieved from

