Russian Literature as a Harbinger of Legal Knowledge


  • Лидия Васильевна Уманцева Russian State University of Justice


Lidiya V. Umantseva (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

No doubt, the word is the primary means of communication and acquiring knowledge. With the help of the word we get primary information about the existence of a matter, its forms and laws. The mental and spiritual beginning in our lives is also formed by the word. Legal knowledge, of course, is necessary for every citizen. How to achieve excellence in law with the help of knowledge of Russian literature? We are trying to answer this question in the given article.

Key words: word, information, legal knowledge, spiritual principle, perfection, literature, communication.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2018-4-171-178

Author Biography

Лидия Васильевна Уманцева, Russian State University of Justice

Lidiya V. Umantseva – candidate of Philology, associate professor. General education disciplines dpt. Faculty of continuous education. Russian State University of Justice (Rostov branch).


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How to Cite

Уманцева, Л. В. (2018). Russian Literature as a Harbinger of Legal Knowledge. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 171–178. Retrieved from

