Proper Names in the Speech of Villagers of the Southwest of the Bryansk Region (on Materials of Field Researches)


  • Сергей Михайлович Пронченко Филиал ФГБОУ ВО "Брянский государственный университет им. академика И. Г. Петровского" в г. Новозыбкове


Sergey M. Pronchenko (Bryansk region, Novozybkov, Russian Federation)

The proper names used by villagers of Novozybkovsky district of the Bryansk region, border with Republic of Belarus, are characterized: the dialect and colloquial features (yakanye, the use «u» asyllabical, «g» fricative, protetichesky «в», firm «р», loss or replacement of sounds, transfer of an accent, change of a grammatical gender, etc.) caused by mixture of East Slavic languages, an interlingual interference in the territory of the Bryansk region which is located on a joint of three East Slavic states — Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are considered; the functional specifics dictated by regional tradition of an imyaupotrebleniye (individual and family nicknames, special forms of personal names, elliptirovanny and transonimizirovanny onyms, microtoponyms) are opened.

Key words: Bryansk and Gomel border-zone, dialect proper names, Bryansk dialect, dialect and colloquial, speech of rural old residents, functional specifics, regional speech tradition.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2019-3-138-147


Author Biography

Сергей Михайлович Пронченко, Филиал ФГБОУ ВО "Брянский государственный университет им. академика И. Г. Петровского" в г. Новозыбкове

Sergey M. Pronchenko – Ph. D. in Philology; associate professor at the Department of Social, Economic and Humanitarian Disciplines, Branch of Bryansk State Academician I. G. Petrovsky University in Novozybkov.



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How to Cite

Пронченко, С. М. (2019). Proper Names in the Speech of Villagers of the Southwest of the Bryansk Region (on Materials of Field Researches). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, 2019(3), 138–147. Retrieved from

