Compound Field of English Substantive Clinical Terms: Vertical Structure


  • Марина Игоревна Носачёва Saratov State Medical University of V.I. Razumovsky


Marina I. Nosacheva (Saratov, Russian Federation)

English substantive compounds can be written both as one word, and as two or more separate words. The criteria of the identification of compound words often contradict one another. In the terminology the semantic criterion does not help to identify the compound word, because both compound terms and terminological word groups are characterized by the semantic integrity. That’s why substantive compound clinical terms should be considered as a field. The purpose is to describe the vertical structure of the compound field of English substantive clinical terms. The data for the study was obtained from the Stedman’s Medical Dictionary. The methods used in the study: descriptive analytical method, quantitative methods.

The vertical structurization of the compound field is performed by the complex qualitative-quantitative analysis. In the field structure are distinguished the core and the periphery. The field core includes less than 50 % terms, to the periphery belong 51,8 % terms. The largest periphery segments are the transition segment between the far and the extreme segments and the extreme segment coming close to terminological word groups.

The specificity of the compound field of English substantive clinical terms is the large periphery caused by the numerously compounds with separate writing, which is one of the main features in the English compound word-formation.

Key words: English substantive compound clinical terms, the criteria of the identification of compound words the compound field, the vertical structure.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2019-2-30-38

Author Biography

Марина Игоревна Носачёва, Saratov State Medical University of V.I. Razumovsky

Marina I. Nosacheva – post-graduate student. Department of the Russian and Latin Languages. Saratov State Medical University of V.I. Razumovsky. 


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How to Cite

Носачёва, М. И. (2019). Compound Field of English Substantive Clinical Terms: Vertical Structure. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, 2019(2), 30–38. Retrieved from

