Kabardian Novel through the Evolution of Genre Forms


  • Анджелла Хамитовна Мусукаева Kabardino-Balkaria State University
  • Ислам Витальевич Гязов Kabardino-Balkaria State University


Andzhella Kh. Musukaeva, Islam V. Gyazov (Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russian Federation)

The article analyzes the main stages of the evolution of the novel genre in Kabardian literature. In the early Kabardian literature, which originated in the 1920s, the first novel appeared in 1953 – “Highlanders” by A. Shortanov. The article discusses the most significant works of the period of the 1950s-1990s. The genre of the novel is studied in the aspect of the correlation of oral folk art of the Kabardians and the stages of development of national literature. Special attention is paid to the prose of A. Keshokov, as the founder of the genre of socio-psychological and philosophical novel.

Key words: folklore, novel, history and modernity, evolution, typology, artistic originality.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2019-2-130-139

Author Biographies

Анджелла Хамитовна Мусукаева, Kabardino-Balkaria State University

Andzhella Kh. Musukaeva – grand Ph.D. of Philology, professor of Russian and Foreign literature dpt. Kabardino-Balkaria State University.

Ислам Витальевич Гязов, Kabardino-Balkaria State University

Islam V. Gyazov – post-graduate student of Russian and Foreign literature dpt. Kabardino-Balkaria State University.


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How to Cite

Мусукаева, А. Х., & Гязов, И. В. (2019). Kabardian Novel through the Evolution of Genre Forms. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, 2019(2), 130–139. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/1293

