Intercultural Communication in the Context of Pragmatic Ability


  • Чжао Цзыхэн the Inner Mongolia University
  • Ольга Николаевна Болдырева Kalmyk state University of B.B. Gorodovikov


Zhao Ziheng, Olga N.Boldyreva (Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China; Elista, Russian Federation)

Intercultural communication in the context of pragmatic ability is one of the important tasks of the specialty of the Russian language. With the help of questionnaires and interviews, a study was conducted, which was attended by some students of the Institute of Russian language of The University of Inner Mongolia, undergoing training at the Kalmyk State University and students who did not participate in the exchange between universities. This article shows that the effectiveness of international exchange is not very obvious for improving students’ language abilities, and students have great differences in many aspects of intercultural communication, including the recessive growth of the level of the Russian language associated with cultural connotations, but at the same time the growth of knowledge of speech etiquette of the Russian language.

Key words: intercultural communication, pragmatic ability, language context, foreign students-trainees.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2019-2-180-187

Author Biographies

Чжао Цзыхэн, the Inner Mongolia University

Zhao Ziheng – student of the Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China. 

Ольга Николаевна Болдырева, Kalmyk state University of B.B. Gorodovikov

Olga N. Boldyreva – Ph.D., senior lecturer of the Department of Russian as a foreign language and General humanitarian disciplines, Kalmyk state University of B.B. Gorodovikov. 


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How to Cite

Цзыхэн, Ч., & Болдырева, О. Н. (2019). Intercultural Communication in the Context of Pragmatic Ability. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, 2019(2), 180–187. Retrieved from




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