
  • Кристиан Бимберг Дортмундский технического университет



Author Biography

Кристиан Бимберг, Дортмундский технического университет

(указан электронный адрес редакции)


Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queene / ed. T.P. Roche, Jr.. Penguin, 1978.

Anderson, Judith H., Donald Cheney and David A. Richardson (eds.)

Spenser’s Life and the Subject of Biography. Amherst: 1996.

Bayley Peter. Edmund Spenser: Prince of Poets. London, 1971.

Berger Harry, Jr.. Revisionary Play. Studies in the Spenserian Dynamics. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: 1990 (1988).

Bimberg, Christiane. Denkmalbau far ein Nationalgenie oder Wie William Shakespeare zum ersten Dichter Englands avancierte.// Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Martin-Luther- Universitat Halle-Wittenberg. 1986 vol. 35 G,

H. 6, S. 67-74.

Bimberg Christiane. John Dryden und Shakespeare. Die Entstehung eines Klassikers. Dortmund, 1995.

Bimberg Christiane. Noblesse oblige oder Fahrende Ritter auf den Pfaden und Nebenpfaden der Tugend in Edmund Spensers Faerie Queene // Zeitschrift fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik. 1989. Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 32-42.

Bimberg Christiane. Zur Rezeptionsgeschichte der Faerie Queene in England (um 1580 bis zur Gegenwart), insbesondere in der professionellen Kritik // Erberezeption und literarische Wirkungsgeschichte. Wissenschaftliche Beitrage der Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle — Wittenberg, 1981/27 (F 26), Halle/Saale 1981, S. 139-55.

Binder Christiane. Das Menschen- und Gesellschaftsideal in Edmund Spensers „Faerie Queene“. Unpubl. PhD thesis, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale 1980.

Binder Christiane. Edmund Spenser’s Poetry and Politics (with Special Reference to Ireland). // Irland—GesellschaftundKulturII. Wissenschaftliche Beitrage der Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle — Wittenberg. Halle/Saale, 1979/38 (F 19), S. 195-212.

Bloom Harold. (ed.). Modern Critical Views: Edmund Spenser. New York; New Have; Philadelphia, 1986.

Brady, Ciaran. Spenser’s Irish Crisis: Humanism and Experience in the 1590s. // Past and Present, 111 (May, 1986), S. 17-49.

Brady, Ciaran. Spenser’s Irish crisis: Reply to Canny // Past and Present, 120 (1988), 210-215.

Brink J.R. Documenting Edmund Spenser: A new life study // American Notes and Queries, Oct. 1994, 7:4, 201-208.

Brink J.R. Who Fashioned Edmund Spenser? The Textual History of Complaints // Studies in Philology, 1991, 88:2, 153-68.

Bruce Donald. Spenser’s Birth and Birthplace // Notes and Queries, Sept. 1995, 42 (240:3), 283-285.

Bruce Donald. The Boyhood of a Poet // Contemporary Review, Febr. 1994, 264:1537, 70-79.

Burrow Colin. Edmund Spenser. Writers and Their Work. Northcote House in association with the British Council, 1996.

Cain Thomas H. et al. (eds.). The Yale Edition of the Shorter Poems of Edmund Spenser. New Haven; London, 1989.

Canny N.P. “Spenser’s Irish crisis”: A Comment // Past and Present, 120 (1988), 201-209.

Carpenter F.I. Spenser in Ireland // Modern Philology. 1922 (19), 405-419.

Conrad Joseph. Books // Notes on Life and Letters. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Page & Company 1921, 3-10 (1905).

Cope Kevin L. American Eighteenth-Century Studies. The State of the Art // Mitteilungen des Verbandes deutscher Anglisten. 3. Jg., 1, Marz 1992, 23-52.

Cummings R.M. (ed.). Edmund Spenser: The Critical Heritage. London; New York, 1995 (1971).

Eagleton Terry. Literary Theory. An Introduction. 2nd edn. Oxford; Cambridge; Mass., 1996 (1983).

Fogarty Anne. The colonisation of language: narrative strategy in The Faerie Queene, Book VI / Hadfield (ed.) 1996, 196-210.

Goller, Karl Heinz. Zur gesellschaftlichen Funktion der Literaturwissenschaft // Anglia, 1975 vol. 93, 35-54.

Goldberg Jonathan. Endlesse Worke: Spenser and the Structures of Discourse. Baltimore; London, 1981.

Greenblatt Stephen. To Fashion a Gentleman: Spenser and the Destruction of the Bower of Bliss // In Greenblatt. 1980, 157-192.

Greenblatt Stephen. Renaissance Self-Fashioning: From More to Shakespeare. Chicago; London, 1980.

Hadfield Andrew (ed.). Edmund Spenser. London; New York, 1996.

Hadfield Andrew. Edmund Spenser’s Irish Experience. Wilde Fruit and Salvage Soyl. Oxford, 1997.

Hadfield, Andrew (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Spenser. Cambridge; New York; Melbourne; Madrid; Cape Town, 2001.

Helgerson Richard. Self-Crowned Laureates, Spenser, Jonson, Milton and the Literary System. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California Press, 1983.

Helgerson Richard. The New Poet Presents Himself: Spenser and the Idea of a Literary Career // PMLA, 93 (1978), 893-911.

Highley Christopher. Shakespeare, Spenser, and the Crisis in Ireland// Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture, 23. Cambridge, 1997.

Jansohn Christa et al. (eds.). Was sollen Anglisten und Amerikanisten lesen? Berlin, 1995.

Judson A.C. The Life of Edmund Spenser // The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition. 11 vols, ed. Edwin Greenlaw et al. Baltimore, 1932-57, vol. 11, 1945.

Lupton Julia Reinhard. Mapping mutability: or, Spenser’s Irish plot / In Hadfield (ed.) 1996, 211-231.

Maley Willy. A Spenser Chronology. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan, 1994.

Maley Willy. Salvaging Spenser. Colonialism, Culture and Identity. Basingstoke London, 1997.

Miller David Lee and Alexander Dunlop (eds.). Approaches To Teaching Spenser’s Faerie Queene. New York, 1994.

Montrose Louis Adrian. Introductory Essay / In Harry Berger, Jr. 1990, 1-16.

Montrose Louis Adrian. Renaissance Literary Studies and the Subject of History // English Literary Renaissance. (1986) Vol. 16, 5 — 12.

Montrose, Louis Adrian. The Elizabethan Subject and the Spenserian Text // In Patricia Parker and David Quint (eds.) 1986, 303-40.

Parker, Patricia and David Quint (eds.). Literary Theory/Renaissance Texts. Baltimore; London, 1986.

Rambuss Richard. Spenser’s Lives, Spenser’s Careers // Spenser’s Life and the Subject of Biography / Ed. Judith H. Anderson, Donald Cheney, David A. Richardson. Amherst, 1996, 1-17.

Rambuss Richard. Spenser’s Secret Career // Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture. Cambridge; New York; Melbourne, 1995 (1993).

Shepherd, Simon. Spenser. London, 1989.

Spenser Edmund. Funf Gesange der Feenkonigin von Edmund Spenser // In freier metrischer Ubertragung von Dr. G. Schwetschke. Halle, 1854.

Stump Donald. Edmund Spenser // Concise Dictionary of British Literary Biography. Vol. 1. Detroit; London, 1992, 359-87.

Waller, Gary. Edmund Spenser. A Literary Life. Basingstoke; London, 1994.



How to Cite

Бимберг, К. (2009). EDMUND SPENSER’S «FAERIE QUEENE»: LOST WORLD LITERATURE AND FLOURISHING CRITICAL PARADIGM. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 38–56. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/139

