Linguistic Island as an Environment Favouring Sustainable Development of Regional Language Varieties (Focus on Scots)


  • Alexander Ye. Pavlenko Rostov State University of Economics
  • Galina V. Pavlenko Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics
  • Olga A. Stroganova Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University


The island type of a dialect of a regional language can be a favourable factor of development, which makes the dialect in question more «successful» than the other varieties of the same idiom spoken on the mainland. In the domain of Scots, Ullans (Ulster Scots) proved to be its most «successful» variety, which has enjoyed favourable conditions for development since the late twentieth century. The Shetland dialect, as a vital variety having important differential features and performing a symbolic function in the community, also has a significant potential for development if the situation favours it.

Keywords: linguistic island, island dialect, resettlement dialect, regional language, sustainable development.

DOI 10.18522/1995-0640-2020-1-111-122

Author Biographies

Alexander Ye. Pavlenko, Rostov State University of Economics

Alexander Ye. Pavlenko – grand Ph. D. of Philology, professor of department of English. A.P. Chekhov Institute of Taganrog (branch) Rostov State University of Economics.

Galina V. Pavlenko, Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics

Galina V. Pavlenko – Ph.D. of Philology, associate professor of department of the Humanities. Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics.

Olga A. Stroganova, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

Olga A. Stroganova – Ph.D. of Philology, associate professor of the Institute of Humanities. Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University



How to Cite

Pavlenko А. Е., Pavlenko Г. В., & Stroganova О. А. (2020). Linguistic Island as an Environment Favouring Sustainable Development of Regional Language Varieties (Focus on Scots). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 111–122. Retrieved from

