
  • Татьяна Николаевна Никульшина Киевский национальный лингвистический университет


Nikulshina T. N.

Keywords: abstraction, irreality, lexical unit, object, subjectivity, substantialism.

The article is devoted to the investigation of linguistic and cognitive aspects of irreality in the English and Ukrainian languages. Since the study of irreality in linguistic and cognitive aspects has no long history its importance is emphasized. Multi-vector understanding ofthe notion ‘irreality’ is underlined. The investigation has resulted in five types of irreality: ‘pure’ irreality, subjective substantialism, scientific substantialism, hypothetical substantialism and illogical substantialism. The prototype of irreality is not found out. The suggested classification covers the whole field of irreality including the problematic zone. Illustrative material (4012 lexical units) is provided to confirm theoretical conclusions made.


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How to Cite

Никульшина, Т. Н. (2013). IRREALITY: LINGUISTIC AND COGNITIVE ASPECTS (IN THE ENGLISH AND UKRAINIAN LANGUAGES). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 164–170. Retrieved from

