
  • Анна Йопек-Босяцка Институт прикладной лингвистики Варшавского университета


Anna Jopek-Bosiacka

Keywords: legal discourse, legal studies, interpretation, jurisprudence.

The paper focuses on how changes in the perspective on language today within linguistics and language-related studies triggered changes in how legal communication is approached in legal theory and jurisprudence. In particular, the nature of legal meaning and interpretation of law texts is discussed. Two main methodological approaches to interpretation, hermeneutic and analytical, are outlined. The evolving pragmatic perspective on language of law accommodates the interactive nature of legal communication in its institutional context. The discoursive approach to legal studies treats law as social discourse understood in terms of a dialogue between legal speakers, legal institutions and various codes, contexts and audiences of the law.


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How to Cite

Йопек-Босяцка, А. (2013). LEGAL DISCOURSE IN CONTEMPORARY LEGAL STUDIES. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 171–176. Retrieved from

