
  • Екатерина Александровна Красина Южный федеральный университет


Krasina E.A.

Keywords: emotional sphere, anthropocentric aspect in linguistics, concept ‘emotion’.

Emotional sphere becomes the object of close attention due to the development of anthropocentric aspect in linguistics. Linguists pay more attention to the peculiarities and means of representation of emotions and emotional states in literature. In this article we study these concepts, giving characteristics not only to these concepts, but also to their types such as interest, happiness, surprise, sorrow, stress, frustration, etc. Thus, the concept ‘emotion’ is a form of reflection of reality, showing the attitude of people towards it. Emotional state, in its turn, is defined as a type of emotions, being distinguished by greater length but lesser intensity.


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How to Cite

Красина, Е. А. (2013). TO THE STUDY OF THE RELATION BETWEEN THE CONCEPTS ‘EMOTION’ AND ‘EMOTIONAL STATE’. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 74–80. Retrieved from

