
  • Наталья Валерьевна Боруруева University Sorbonne-Paris, Centre international d’etudes francophones


The article is devoted to the creative life of contemporary francophone Algerian writer Mokeddem Malika, that is an integral “autobiographical project”. The author examines the theoretical issues related to the concepts of “autobiographical novel” and “autofiction”, analyzing the definitions by Philippe Lejeune, Philippe Vilhena and Arno Schmidt and concludes that autofiction is not an independent genre but an “abovegenre” mode of writing. Scheme of Arno Schmidt who separates autofiction works on “autonarration” and “fiction of reality”, is suitable for the characteristics of creativity of Malika Mokeddem, who is the author of several autobiographical novels and two art autobiographies. The main feature of “autobiographical project” of the writer, according to the author, is “intrusive” repetition of situations, places, characters and structures. This feature is studied on the example of a recurring character - the image of the heroine, mother, father, loving couples, etc. With this system the characters of the Franco-Algerian writer not only compares the European and magribian cultural worlds, but also tries to explore their own transcultural identity and establish its position as a writer, in the space of literary Francophonie.

Key words: Francophone literature, literature of the Maghreb, autobiography, autofiction, autobiographical novel.

Author Biography

Наталья Валерьевна Боруруева, University Sorbonne-Paris, Centre international d’etudes francophones

Borurueva Natalya Valerievna - post-graduate student of Moscow state university. University Sorbonne-Paris, Centre international d’etudes francophones, CIEF. Email:; n.borurueva@gmail. com. Phone: +3-361-694-17-03


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How to Cite

Боруруева, Н. В. (2014). AUTOFICTION IN THE «BORDERLAND LITERATURE»: AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL MOTIFS IN NOVELS BY MALIKA MOKEDDEM. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 35–42. Retrieved from

